After every trimester or academic year, a function is organized at schools or colleges. Indeed, this day is the most awaited day for all the students and staff members, because everyone is eager to see the result of the hard works and achievements they have been through in the whole year. For organizing a successful function a good anchoring script and function theme are required. This article covers the function theme and script from the commencement to the conclusion. So, let’s begin with…
Anchoring Script | School/College Annual Day
How to Begin the Function
Good morning everyone our distinguished guests, parents, teachers, and all spectators. One more year past leaving a handful of memories to all of us. As we are joined here to celebrate the completion of yet another successful year and recall the founders and all the well wishes of this educational institution and bid farewell to our beloved teachers, let me thank each one of you for being here wholeheartedly and working hard for making this day even more colorful.
A hearty welcome to our (name of the institution……) family on this beautiful morning to celebrate the (eg.12th) annual day.
it is our culture to remember the God Almighty before everything we do or start, so let us begin this function seeking the blessing and presence of the God Almighty. I would like to invite our school/college choir to lead the prayer and let us all stand up for the same.
After the Prayer:
Thank You dears for creating and heavenly atmosphere here.

Welcome Speech
I would like to invite Mr. or Mrs. (name of the person) our principal or our headmaster or a school leader etc to officially welcome all the dignitaries and everyone gathered here for the annual Day function.
Thank you Sir/Madam
Delivering the Presidential Address
It is my pleasure to invite Mr. or Mrs…….(designation) (a well-known person who barely needs an introduction or who is a social activist and politician or the well-wisher of this school/college) to deliver the presidential address.
Thank you Sir / Madam for your kind words.
How to Inaugurate the Function
For inaugurating the function by lighting up the lamp and addressing the gathering I would like to invite our chief guest Mr/Mrs……(designation), Sir/Madam, please…
First of all our chief guest Mr./Mrs………is requested to light the lamp respecting the rich tradition of our country. And with all respect, I would like to request other dignitaries to join him or her. Thank you all!
(After the inaugural speech) Thank you so much Sir/ Madam for your loving words.
Also Read: Anchoring Script for an Inauguration Function
How to Present the Report
Our school/college has taken a step forward in the bygone academic year. It is a time for looking back to the past for assessing our entire performance and development so far for the better tomorrow. It is my honor to call upon our dear teacher as well as staff representative Mr./ Mrs…… to present the report of all the
plans result and achievements of the year.
Thank you Sir/ Madam the report is now submitted for the approval.
How to Honor Retiring Staff Member
Here comes the most awaited moment. After…… (years of service, eg:30) 30 years of service to this educational institution, our dear most teacher/non-teaching staff Mr./ Mrs……is going to retire from his or her official life. With all the love and respect let me invite our beloved (name) to address the gathering.
Thank you so much…..we’ll miss you.
Now let me invite Mr./Mrs……. to present our retiring staff a memento as a token of gratitude remembering all the service he/she rendered. I also request dear Mr./Mrs. to receive the memento. (Thank you both…)
How to Felicitate the Gathering
To felicitate the gathering, let me invite our PTA President, most beloved Mr./Mrs……who is a very familiar face and an active participant in all the activities of this school/college. Thank you for your kind words.
Next, I would like to call upon (name of the person) our highly energetic school leader for extending felicitations. Thank you, dear…

How to Distribute the Prizes
Now it is a time for appreciating the efforts of the students by giving them prizes for all their achievements. For the same, I invite Mr. Mrs….. (Designation). Congratulations in advance…
After Prize Distribution
Thank you Sir/ Madam for giving away the prizes once again I congratulate all the winners. We take pride in you dears. You guys proclaimed the glory of the school /college.
How to Deliver Vote of Thanks
To deliver the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries and guests let me invite Mr./ Mrs……(Designation) Thank you for your words.
Here comes the end of the formal function I would like to thank all of you for finding some time to take part in our happiness.
After a short break, Cultural Programs begin… Stay and enjoy and bless our students. Thank You!
Cultural Programs
A very good afternoon/ evening. Welcome to the cultural feast of the evening… Ladies and gentlemen, hope you will love this evening as our team has made a handful of various programs to keep you thrilled and entertained.
To evoke the blessing of the Almighty and to purify and prepare the stage by offering prayers in the form of dance, I would like to call upon our team of the first show may God bless all our endeavors… Thank You dears!
Dance Program
- To fill our minds with love for the nation here comes the dance performance by the students of stranded 7/8/etc.
- We all have a special affinity towards our culture and tradition. Our ancestors use different forms of art to tell a story and convey feelings and emotions. Our dear blessed dancer (name) of student 7, comes with a folk dance to tell us a story through her performance. Lets’ welcomed her with a big round of applause.
- Now, how about a cinematic dance with a mesmerizing performance here, comes the (name) and team.
- Let’s put our hands together to invite an inborn dancer, who can create poetry in dance……(name) on the stage.
- Ladies and gentlemen get ready to hold your breath, here comes our boys’ team with dynamic movements.
thank you guys/ that was an amazing/ lovely incredible performance.
Songs/Music Programs
- Music heals. Music entertains us and music takes us to heaven. Our nightingale (name…) is on the stage with a beautiful melodious song.
- Dear guys… put your hands together to welcome our school choir for a splendid and entertaining music treat…. enjoy…
- I would like to call upon our best singers (name) and (another person’s name) for singing a superhit duet song of the year. Get ready to dance…!
- To show our deep devotion and attachment to the homeland here comes a group of singers with a patriotic song… enjoy…
- Folk songs are always an inevitable part of the life of Keralites. With the chain of famous folk songs in front of you our Fox song team.
To make us laugh… to make us think our artists are all set. With a skit here comes our smarties… Let us enjoy the skit and bless our kids… Thank you, guys…
Our cultural feast has come to an end now. I thank you all on behalf of this institution for spending your valuable time here to encourage young minds. Let’s all stand for the national anthem.
Wish you all the best and have a good time!
Recommended Articles to Read:
- Anchoring Script for an Annual Function – Compèring in English
- Best Quotes & Sayings For Compering at School or College Program
- Anchoring Script For School Function
- Anchoring Script for Cultural Event Function at School or College